Killer Listbuilding Strategies Makes it Virtually Impossible for Your Business to Fail!
No thanks. I will pass and go to my Simple Conversion Commander download area WITHOUT the "List Building Essentials Workshop" which teaches me EXACTLY how to start building my email list or how to grow my current list. This workshop is comprehensive, but allows me to go through it at my own pace. I understand I am giving up the opportunity to have 60 lessons on list building in my arsenal. I also am losing out on the 4 hours worth of microworkshops from Internet marketing gurus Bob Jenkins and Dr. Ben Adkins. This alone is a $697 value!
On top of that I am also saying no to the "Sales Funnel Leverage Course" which teaches strategic business and product funnels. This course includes transcripts, checklists, and PPT's. It is loaded with value.
I am saying no to all of this.