Earn Up To $429 Per Referred Sale Promoting Our Brand New Sales Boosting Technology Simple Countdown Creator On January 13th - 20th
Why Promote THIS Launch!
On Friday January 13th we're launching the Simple Countdown Countdown Creator timer plugin.
We have a KILLER launch formula, and believe this will be another successful product launch.
The launch will be an 8 day sale from January 13th- January 20th. You will be rewarded with commissions and prizes, and the chance to earn up to $429 in commissions per referred sale.
As you may know, we have an excellent reputation in the industry. We over-deliver on value, and we take care of our customers.
What is Simple Countdown Creator?

You know how important scarcity is to your conversions if you're in business, but especially in an online business!
SCC is a simple, affordable marketing campaign manager with real scarcity built in.
Have you ever been up at midnight just so you could change the price on a page? Or take a promotion down? Or put up a different page?
An you know that if you say a promotion is ending at a specific time, but it doesn't, you've just trained your prospects and buyers that you really don't mean what you say...
That's really bad for your reputation.
SCC solves this because it's all automated with this tool.
David Perdew and his team at NAMS have built this plugin from the ground up. He needed a simple solution for creating countdown timers that not only boost his conversions, but also help automate his business.
Scarcity Converts!
Simplicity and automation is key to anything that NAMS puts out, and this technology is proven to boost desire in customers, and increase your conversions dramatically.
This is a 100% original, made-from-scratch tool! This is more than just a plugin. It is a game changing conversion boosting technology for any website whether it is WordPress or not. And the great thing about NAMS WordPress plugins is that David and his team use those EXACT plugins to run their 7-figure business.
So, you know they will ALWAYS be updated and maintained. You can safely stand behind these.
If there is any indication from our previous two NAMS Toolkit launch we can feel completely safe saying your customers are going to absolutely love it! It is a truly high value product that you can be proud to promote, and that your customers will benefit from greatly.
Possible Subject Lines:
Easiest way to boost your conversions!
Simple plugin dramatically increases conversions!
Get more sales with less traffic!
Proven method to increase sales!
When it comes to selling online there are two things you
must have in place or you won't make anything. The first
thing is traffic, and the second most important element is
You must be able to convert your website visitors into buyers
or leads.
One of the easiest ways to increase your conversions is with
urgency. Every company in the world uses urgency because it
forces people to take action. In fact studies have been done
that prove that increasing the urgency of an offer makes it
more attractive to consumers.
Well, the team over at NAMS Toolkit has created the perfect
urgency boosting plugin called Simple Conversion Commander.
Check it out here to see it in action!
(Affiliate Link)
You can have this amazing countdown plugin working for you to
boost conversions within minutes after investing in it!
Imagine being able to simply activate a plugin, and have it start
working to increase your sales. You would probably want this on
all of your sites!
Well, you are in luck because they are even offering a multi-site
license so you can use this on all the websites you own!
Grab it here:
(Affiliate Link)
To Your Success,
P.S. They are offering this plugin at a steep launch discount this
week only! So if you want to start using this plugin in your online
business, you should act now before the price dramatically increases!
(Affiliate Link)
Our Killer Sales Funnel

Guaranteed Prize Payout JV Contest
The JV Contest will run for the duration of the 8-day firesale: August 22nd – August 29th. Needless to say, there is going to be a lot of urgency, and it’s going to convert like crazy.
We’ll be posting contest results on the JV Blog each day, as well as some swipe emails.
Over $3,000 In Cash Prizes
There is NO minimum sales required to achieve the prize level. We will be awarding all of the prizes, regardless of how many sales you make. We will count all sales including upsells.
We’ve decided to award prizes a full 15 levels deep to make it really exciting and involve as many partners as possible!
You can choose between PayPal or Amazon gift card.
If you've participated in our contests in the past, then you know that we do update the contest leaderboard every day, and we also send out the prizes promptly after the contest.
We Reciprocate For Our Partners
We believe in supporting those that support us! You can see from just a few of the examples below, that when we get behind our top partners amazing things happen! We would love to hear what launches you have going on that we can also support you on!
Stay Updated On The Launch
Register for our JV notifications and you'll receive:
- Leaderboard notifications daily
- New email swipe copy as we release it
- Opportunities to promote with social media
- Video demo pages
- Additional content you can use to promote the launch
- And immediate support
We want to support you and your success in every way we can during this launch.
Help us serve you. Just input your information in the optin box on the right. We'll keep you posted.
Swipe Emails
Be sure to visit the NAMS Tool Kit Affiliate Center to pick up all your promotional materials!
Get your affiliate link here : http://nams.ws/sccjvz
Let’s make some money while providing a high quality product that your subscribers will love!
Thanks for your help,
Paul Counts & David Perdew
Contact Information
Let Paul Counts know if you need anything for this promotion.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/paulcounts
Skype: paul.counts
Cell: (405) 714-4623
Email: paulcountsmarketing (at) gmail (dot) com